By Scott Lenox
Posted on September 1st, 2022
Check out the NEW Daily Catch at Sunset Marina!
Welcome to September everybody! If your kids aren’t back in school already, they’re probably heading back next week. That fact is pretty apparent in and around Ocean City as traffic both on the roadways and the waterways has fallen off. I’d expect a busy weekend with Labor Day upon us, but after that….let’s go fishing!
Marlin fishing is still pretty good toward the Baltimore Canyon right now with several boats seeing multiple fish a day. Captain Anthony Matarese and his crew on Reel Chaos had a nice day with six white marlin releases today.
Captain Willie Zimmerman of the RoShamBo had a good day off the beach today too with a beaut of a 76 pound yellowfin tuna and a limit of blueline tilefish.
Back in the bay, Captain Wayne Blanks of Bayside Guide Service was playing with his pet bluefish at the route 50 bridge again and as usual a couple of them got out of line and ended up in the fish box.
Anglers on board the Ocean Princess with Captain Victor Bunting had a good day of bottom fishing with sea bass and flounder.
Captain Monty Hawkins of the Morning Star had a good day of fishing today with sea bass and a nice class of mahi.
No flag fluttered, water still; sun neared the horizon with promise of a calm day at sea. A bit of westerly air came on, just enough to ruffle the water. Weatherman had it right, less than 10 knots.
I began yet another new block drop today. This time on a cable pile that’s been partially covered. Should be pretty quick to gather life as not all of the old reef is buried. Donna & Rick from Arnold MD gave our reef blocks a shove. Owing existing reef nearby, those new blocks will have grown into reef in no time.
Tried mahi fishing but the water was as we’d seen ten miles further in yesterday — six degrees cooler and near about green. We did catch two – Capt Chris on the bow, and Sea Bass Bob on the stern landed them.
Both mahi appeared quite lonely.
On to some bottom fishing.
Great Scott what a fussy bite. Despite sea bass stacked up 30 & even 40 feet.. Well, we tried everything I know. While one of my best anglers was almost in double digits using tinsquid, others were a long way from stinking a pan. After a while though it seemed as though most would have diner for sure.
Changed up & tried once again for mahi.
Catch a better grade than we had a few days ago. Nice acrobatics that I failed to capture on the phone. Fast runs on the surface followed by airborne cartwheeling is what makes them such a wonderful fishery. Caught a few; nowhere near as many as we’d had two days ago. They were, however, much better size than we’d had before.
Try as I might I was unable to repeat the action. Vic thought he saw a few more, and we did land an almaco jack, but no further reward for our efforts was had.
Capt Chris was high hook in double digits on cbass and won the pool, while Sea Bass Bob boated the largest mahi for that pool.
Weather looks fit tomorrow for tomorrow’s regular trip. Maybe some flounder & sea bass? We’ll see what it brings.
Back Deck Fishing Report is up on our YouTube!